regularly hosts the Ukrainian Dossier multimedia conferences and foresight forums, as well as many other events. In addition, it has been proactive in publishing and distributing printed matter.
In addition to its website, the outlet runs several Telegram channels, with the Украина.ру channel leading the pack, having reached 470,000 subscribers and 9 million daily views. Moreover, offers information projects in English, Spanish and Chinese. On average, over 13 million users read articles, interviews and news reports published by each day, while the daily audience for its social media accounts is about 2 million people. has almost reached 720,000 subscribers on RuTube, Dzen, VK and Odnoklassniki platforms.

Ukraina.Ru holds regular multimedia conferences on the most topical aspects of Ukraine’s development and Ukraine−Russia relations. We have organized more than 100 conferences so far. Experts participating in Ukraina.Ru conferences are extensively cited by other media.