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2024 Stenin Contest launches online voting

01 July
Moscow, Rossiya Segodnya Press Office

Online voting kicked off on the first week of July on the Andrei Stenin International Press Photo Contest website’s Russian and English versions.

Конкурс Стенина-2024 запустил голосование среди интернет-пользователей - Rossiya Segodnya, 780, 01.07.2024

Taditionally, voting makes it possible for online users to choose the best photo or series among those shortlisted by the international jury. The winner will be the one with the largest number of votes.

In order to vote, select your favorite photo or series on the contest website and click the icon next to it. You do not need to have a personal account on any social media. The voting will until midnight July 31 Moscow time.

The winner of the online voting will be announced in early August. The photographer who took the most popular photo on the internet will be awarded a contest certificate.

Prize winners from the shortlist, as well as the Grand Prix winner, will be announced by the organizing committee in September on the Russian and English versions of the contest website.

The contest also plans to hold the traditional road show exhibiting the winning works in various cities of the world.


The Andrei Stenin International Press Photo Contest, organized by the Rossiya Segodnya International Media Group under the patronage of the Russian Federation Commission for UNESCO, aims to support young photographers and attract public attention to the challenges of photojournalism today. This is a platform for young, talented, sensitive photographers who are open to everything new to highlight people and events around us.

The contest’s general media partners are VGTRK (All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company) (Russia), online platform SMOTRIM (Russia), Russia-Kultura national state TV channel (Russia), and Moskva-24 TV channel (Russia).

The contest’s international media partners are Sputnik News Agency and Radio (International), RT TV channel and website (International), Independent Media (South Africa), ANA News Agency (South Africa), Shanghai United Media Group (SUMG) (China), China Daily newspaper website (China), The Paper website (China), and Al Mayadeen (Lebanon).

The competition is supported by the Russia Union of Journalists, YOung JOurnalists (Russia), Russian Photo (Russia), and (Russia) as industry partners