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Victory Day Photo Exhibition Opens in Addis Ababa

13 May
Moscow, Rossiya Segodnya Press Office

The Rossiya Segodnya media group and Sputnik news agency and radio broadcaster together with the Mission of Rossotrudnichestvo in Ethiopia opened a photo exhibition about the events of the Great Patriotic War at the Russian House in Addis Ababa.

В Аддис-Абебе открылась фотовыставка ко Дню Победы - Rossiya Segodnya, 780, 13.05.2024

The Rossiya Segodnya media group and Sputnik news agency and radio broadcaster together with the Mission of Rossotrudnichestvo in Ethiopia opened a photo exhibition about the events of the Great Patriotic War at the Russian House in Addis Ababa.

Among the presented works are the legendary photo by Izrail Ozersky "Soldier's Trade", works by Max Alpert "Battalion Commander" and "Victory Parade in Red Square in Moscow", one of the most famous works by Vladimir Grebnev - "The Banner of Victory over the Reichstag building", taken in May 1945. The photo exhibition also includes works by Yakov Ryumkin, Georgy Zelm, Naum Granovsky and Vsevolod Tarasevich.

Opening the exhibition, Russia's Ambassador to Addis Ababa Yevgeny Terekhin noted:

"This year the celebrations in the capital of brotherly Ethiopia take on a special meaning - a few days ago we already celebrated the Day of Victory of Ethiopian patriots in the war against fascist Italy. This day almost coincided chronologically with the celebration of the Easter holiday this year. Following it, we celebrate the Day of the Great Victory of the Soviet people. This coincidence demonstrates the triune essence of the holiday - the victory of our peoples in the fight against a common enemy, and this victory was illuminated by our common religion and common faith".

Alexander Evstigneev, head of Rossotrudnichestvo's representative office in Ethiopia, speaking at the event, said: "We want to show our Ethiopian friends photographic evidence of the most important part of the history of not only Russia, of all mankind - the victory over fascism. And the price the Soviet people had to pay for this victory."

"Ethiopia is no stranger to these events - there is an opinion among a number of historians that World War II began not on September 1, 1939, but earlier, with the attack of Fascist Italy on Ethiopia on October 3, 1935. The historical debate on this topic continues. It is important for us to remember and remind that the very existence of our countries was fought with arms against absolute evil. And it is important not to let it revive," Evstigneev said.