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2023 Andrei Stenin Contest Announces Its First Results

20 March
Moscow, Rossiya Segodnya Press Office

Entries have closed for the ninth photo contest in memory of Andrei Stenin, a Rossiya Segodnya photojournalist killed near Donetsk in the summer of 2014

Александр Арефьев / РИА Новости - Rossiya Segodnya, 780, 20.03.2023

Entries have closed for the ninth photo contest in memory of Andrei Stenin, a Rossiya Segodnya photojournalist killed near Donetsk in the summer of 2014. The submission period, which opened in December of last year, is now over, and the organizing committee has summed up the first results.

The contest received about 3,000submissions from 50 countries in 2023. The leading countries with the most active international participants are India, Bangladesh and China, with Italy and France both coming in fourth, and Spain and Iran sharing fifth place.

Russian journalists are also among the most active participants. The number of entries from the regions and the federal center of Russia almost doubled compared with last year.

The geography of the contest also expanded: this year, photojournalists from Ghana and Burundi submitted photos. African journalists are among the most active participants in the Stenin Contest. Since the contest’s inception in December 2014, photojournalists from 26 African countries have sent in entries, and this is almost half of the total number of African countries.

The top-three African countries where photojournalists have submitted the most entries over the entire history of the contest are Egypt (#1), South Africa (#2) and Nigeria (#3).

The most popular category with the largest number of entries is still My Planet, followed by Portrait. A Hero of Our Time, Top News and Sports.

The international jury will get down to work in April, and the contest’s shortlist will be announced in mid-June on the Russian and English versions of the site.

About the contest

The Andrei Stenin International Press Photo Contest, organized by Rossiya Segodnya under the patronage of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, aims to support young photographers and draw public attention to the challenges of photojournalism today. It is a platform for young photographers – talented and sensitive individuals open to all things new – to highlight people and events near us.

General media partners: VGTRK (National State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company) (Russia), SMOTRIM online-platform (Russia), Rossiya-Kultura TV channel (Russia), Moskva-24 TV channel (Russia).

International media partners: Sputnik news agency and radio (International), RT TV channel and website (International), Independent Media (South Africa). ANA (South Africa), Shanghai United Media Group (SUMG) (China), China Daily (China), The Paper (China), Al Mayadeen (Lebanon).

Industry partners: Russian Union of Journalists (Russia), YOung JOurnalists (Russia),

Russian Photo (Russia), (Russia).