The website of the Andrei Stenin International Press Photo Contest continues accepting entries for 2023

The website of the Andrei Stenin International Press Photo Contest continues accepting entries for 2023. There are two weeks left before the deadline, and the organizing committee will announce the first preliminary data on the submitted applications.
About 150 applications from several dozen countries have been submitted to the contest since the end of December 2022. Photographers from Ghana have entered the Stenin contest for the first time since its launch in 2014. The African continent are also represented in the 2023 contest by Nigeria, Cameroon, Kenya and Algeria. Other participating countries include Russia, China, India, the United States, Ecuador, Iran, Bangladesh, Italy, Spain, France, Switzerland and others.
The most popular category among the contestants is My Planet: so far the largest number of the submitted works are in this category. It is followed by a large margin by the Top News category. The top four nominations are also Sport and Portrait. A Hero of Our Time.
The deadline for applying is 23:59 Moscow time, February 28, 2023. Professional photographers aged 18 to 33 can submit their work on the contest website in Russian, English and Chinese in four nominations: Top News, Sports, My Planet, Portrait: A Hero of Our Time and two categories, Series and Single Works.
The contest’s prize fund in 2023 will be 125,000, 100,000 and 75,000 rubles for the first, second and third places in each category. The winner of the highest award of the Stenin Contest, the Grand Prix, will receive 700,000 rubles.
About the contest
The Andrei Stenin International Press Photo Contest, organized by Rossiya Segodnya under the patronage of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, aims to support young photographers and draw public attention to the challenges of photojournalism today. It is a platform for young photographers – talented and sensitive individuals open to all things new – to highlight people and events near us.
General media partners: VGTRK (National State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company) (Russia), SMOTRIM online-platform (Russia), Rossiya-Kultura TV channel (Russia), Moskva-24 TV channel (Russia).
International media partners: Sputnik news agency and radio (International), RT TV channel and website (International), Independent Media (South Africa). ANA (South Africa), Shanghai United Media Group (SUMG) (China), China Daily (China), The Paper (China), Al Mayadeen (Lebanon).
Industry partners: Russian Union of Journalists (Russia), YOung JOurnalists (Russia),
Russian Photo (Russia), (Russia).