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International Stage of 2022 Stenin Contest Tour Kicks off in Pretoria

22 November
Pretoria, Rossiya Segodnya Press Office

The first stop on the international stage of the touring exhibition of winning photos from the 2022 Andrei Stenin Press Photo Contest is the administrative capital of South Africa

Абдул Момин, Stenincontest/Abdul Momin, Stenincontest - Rossiya Segodnya, 780, 22.11.2022

The first stop on the international stage of the touring exhibition of winning photos from the 2022 Andrei Stenin Press Photo Contest for young photojournalists is Pretoria, the administrative capital of South Africa.

The exhibition at the Capital Hotel School, organized with the support of the Russian Embassy in South Africa, presents about a hundred images that won the competition. Among them are singles and series by photojournalists from Russia, Iran, Guatemala, Bangladesh, the Philippines, the United States, Syria, Türkiye and other countries. The exhibition in Pretoria will run until November 28; admission is free.

“The Stenin International Photo Contest is a unique platform that unifies people from around the globe through their passion to photographic art,” Russian Ambassador to South Africa Ilya Rogachev noted at the opening of the exhibition. “We honor the memory of Andrei Stenin, Russian photographer who died in the line of duty while covering the situation in Donbass in 2014, by attracting photographers and art admirers from around the globe to partake in the contest and thus make Andrei Stenin’s legacy live on,” he added.

The 2021 Stenin Contest Road Show will visit other countries and cities. During the opening of the exhibition’s world tour, as usual, held at the State Historical Museum (SIM) in Moscow on October 25, the organizers announced plans to display the winning images in countries of the Middle East and Southeast Asia with the support of the competition’s international partners.

According to tradition, the annual submission period starts on Andrei Stenin's birthday, December 22. Applications can be submitted in Russian, English and Chinese ​​on the contest website.

About the contest

The Andrei Stenin International Press Photo Contest, organized by Rossiya Segodnya under the patronage of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, aims to support young photographers and draw public attention to the challenges of photojournalism today. It is a platform for young photographers – talented and sensitive individuals open to all things new – to highlight people and events near us.

General media partners: VGTRK (National State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company) (Russia), SMOTRIM online-platform (Russia), Rossiya-Kultura TV channel (Russia), Moskva-24 TV channel (Russia).

International media partners: Sputnik news agency and radio (International), RT TV channel and website (International), Independent Media (South Africa), Telam news agency (Argentina). ANA (South Africa), Shanghai United Media Group (SUMG) (China), China Daily (China), The Paper (China), Al Mayadeen (Lebanon), Festival della Fotografia Etica (Italy).

Industry partners: Russian Union of Journalists (Russia), YOung JOurnalists (Russia),

Russian Photo (Russia), (Russia), Photo Academy (Russia), All About Photo (USA), IPhoto Channel (Brazil), For Photographers Only (International), PhotON Festival as an international exhibition partner (Spain).