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Sputnik starts cooperation with Nicaraguan Communications Council

06 September
Vladivostok, Rossiya Segodnya Press Office

Sputnik and the Communication and Citizenship Council of Nicaragua signed a memorandum of cooperation on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum

Григорий Сысоев/РИА Новости - Rossiya Segodnya, 780, 06.09.2022

The Sputnik international news agency and radio and the Communication and Citizenship Council of Nicaragua signed a memorandum of cooperation on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok. The document was signed by Vasily Pushkov, Director of International Cooperation at Sputnik, and Daniel Edmundo Ortega Murillo, Media Coordinator of the Council.

The document provides for the exchange of content in Spanish as well as other collaboration in order to bring together the two nations and promote mutual understanding.

During the signing ceremony, the parties also discussed possible areas for developing their relations and participation in joint cultural projects.

Now is a very interesting time when every person on the planet has the opportunity to crystallize their value system, getting rid of any unnecessary media garbage. From this point of view, we are glad to finally be able to see how close our positions, our interests and desires really are with our Nicaraguan friends and colleagues. We can work together to achieve the goals that both Nicaragua and Russia share.

Vasily Pushkov
Director of International Cooperation at Sputnik

“Today we have taken a new step in bringing the Russian and Nicaraguan nations closer. We believe that the memorandum we have signed will help us consolidate and also further develop cooperation between Sputnik and the Nicaraguan media, as well as organize new projects,” Daniel Edmundo Ortega Murillo added.

The Communication and Citizenship Council of Nicaragua includes about 20 of the largest media outlets and radio stations in the country. This is also Sputnik’s first partnership document with the Nicaraguan media.

The Eastern Economic Forum is taking place on September 5-8 at the Far Eastern Federal University on Russky Island in Vladivostok. RIA Novosti is the general media partner of the forum.