Internet users have picked the winning photo from the shortlist of the Andrei Stenin Press Photo Contest 2022

Internet users have picked the winning photo from the shortlist of the Andrei Stenin Press Photo Contest 2022. The winning image, Evergreen Smile, was submitted in the category Portrait. A Hero of our Time by photo journalist from India Shibasish Saha.
The photographer explained the story behind the photo: “This image was captured during a face painting event in the villages of West Bengal, to celebrate Bengali New Year. The grandmother was feeling shy to have her picture taken so she covered her face and smiled from behind.”
The photo won the online voting contest, leaving behind the works from Bangladesh and Russia.
The prize takers, as well as the winner of the Grand Prix, will be announced by the organizing committee in September on Future plans include launching a traditional road show of the winners in cities around the world before the end of the year.
About the contest
The Andrei Stenin International Press Photo Contest, organized by Rossiya Segodnya under the patronage of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, aims to support young photographers and draw public attention to the challenges of photojournalism today. It is a platform for young photographers – talented and sensitive individuals open to all things new – to highlight people and events near us.
General media partners: VGTRK (National State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company), SMOTRIM online-platform, Rossiya-Kultura TV channel, Moskva-24 TV channel.
International media partners: Sputnik news agency and radio, RT TV channel and website, Askanews, Independent Media, Telam news agency, ANA, Shanghai United Media Group (SUMG), China Daily, The Paper , Al Mayadeen, Festival della Fotografia Etica.
Industry partners: Russian Union of Journalists, YOung JOurnalists, Russian Photo,, Photo Academy, Fotoargenta, All About Photo, Artdoc, IPhoto Channel, For Photographers Only, PhotON Festival as an international exhibition partner.