KOT, an animal welfare media outlet, teamed up with VKontakte to launch the first for the Russian internet online series on the lives and everyday work of veterinarians

KOT is launching SuperVet, the first online reality project on saving animals, on VKontakte.
KOT, an animal welfare media outlet, teamed up with VKontakte to launch the first for the Russian internet online series on the lives and everyday work of veterinarians, their dedication, sacrifice and emotions: from the joy of saving animals to the inevitable grief of loss.
KOT released the first episode of the SuperVet project on its website on September 22, with support from VKontakte, Russia’s most popular social network. New episodes will be released every two weeks.
In the series, young veterinarians share their experiences treating pets, discuss early diagnostics and what to do in emergencies. They work with pets, as well as animals living in dire conditions at shelters.
This project is about saving and helping animals, and treating in a humane way those who cannot stand up for themselves or fight back. Apart from showing how doctors save pets, we wanted to show what happens to animals that end up at shelters. Every day volunteers save hundreds of animals from abandoned basements or after getting hit by cars, and care for those who suffered at the hands of irresponsible masters. It is everyone’s duty to help all creatures great and small, which is not as hard as it seems. Care and compassion is what matters the most.
"Онлайн-реалити о спасении животных — это отличная возможность рассказать пользователям ВКонтакте о важности работы ветеринарных врачей и обратить внимание на проблемы бездомных животных. На нашей платформе тысячи любителей питомцев делятся своими радостями, обращаются за советом, обмениваются фотографиями пушистых друзей и помогают приютам. Сериал также поможет хозяевам, с питомцами которых случилась беда, пережить трудные моменты и покажет, что они не одиноки", — Екатерина Кочнева, Руководитель направления Благотворительность ВКонтакте.
Created in November 2018, KOT is part of TOK, an online media outlet. The project aims to promote the humane treatment of animals. Since its launch, KOT has attracted 2 million subscribers and over 1 billion views. The project is available on VK, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and Odnoklassniki.
VKontakte is the largest social network in Russia and the CIS. Its mission is to connect people, services and companies by creating simple and convenient communication tools. The site is available in 89 languages. The VKontakte team works from three cities: St. Petersburg, Moscow and Sochi.